Our Scents You’ll Want to Sniff On Repeat
We’ve given you the choice of eleven irresistible scents that will keep you smelling good all day long without cramping your style.
- Sweatucation
4 min read • 5 comments
The Secrets Of Natural Deodorant Ingredients And How They Actually Work
We’ve all heard it...natural deodorants just don’t work. At least they didn’t back when velour tracksuits were a thing. But things have moved on.
- Sweatucation
4 min read • 45 comments
The Science Behind Fussy
Natural deodorants tend to get a bad rep - and that’s because there are loads of out there that simply don't work very well.
- Sweatucation
4 min read • 33 comments
The World’s First Armpit Sponsorship: Fussy x FGR
That’s right—Fussy is officially the Armpit Sponsor of Forest Green Rovers, the world’s most sustainable football team.
- Sweatucation
3 min read • 0 comments
The science behind mood-boosting scents
Science is now catching up with what your nose knew already. Recent brain-imaging research has shown how aromas change our brain-wave patterns, and therefore our moods.
- Sweatucation
2 min read • 0 comments
Sweating And The Menopause
It’s a change that happens to almost half our population, yet information is limited and advice even more so - today we’re discussing menopause and the sweat that comes with it ie. hot flushes and night sweats.
- Sweatucation
3 min read • 0 comments
Check Your Breasts!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness of breast cancer, how it can be prevented, and showing support for anyone who has been affected by breast cancer.
- Sweatucation
3 min read • 1 comments
It's Plastic Free July
Plastic Free July is celebrated every year as a global movement to help millions of people be part of the solution to the plastic problem.
- Sweatucation
3 min read • 0 comments
Putting the T in LGBTQIA+
LGBTQIA+ Pride Month isn’t just about celebrating same-sex relationships, and sexual orientation, it is also used to highlight many issues that are faced by the LGBTQIA+ community.
- Sweatucation
6 min read • 0 comments
How To Be An Ally This Pride Month
June means Pride month, and not only is that a time for LGTBQIA+ people to celebrate, but for everyone to reflect and make changes on how they can be a better ally to the community.
- Sweatucation
3 min read • 0 comments
What Is Pride?
Pride is celebrated in June to mark the anniversary of the Stonewall riots, a series of demonstrations and protests against police brutality after a raid on the Stonewall Inn, a gay club in New York in 1969.
- Sweatucation
5 min read • 0 comments
The Plastic Problem: Reusing, Recycling, and Re-thinking
The problem with plastic is that it’s everywhere, and we mean everywhere. From the water we wash our clothes in, to the soil in which we grow our food, and even in the air.
- Sweatucation
8 min read • 0 comments
Celebrating World Vegan Month
For many people, being vegan is all about animal welfare. Reducing your consumption of animal products is a great way to stand against animal exploitation but there are so many other benefits to being more plant-based.
- Sweatucation
7 min read • 0 comments
Karen Olla - A Skincare Journey
October is Black History Month, a time dedicated to celebrating the achievements and contributions of black people in the UK and around the world, and to educate all people on black history.
- Sweatucation
8 min read • 0 comments
Unite For Ukraine - Help Us Raise £100,000
We are all witnessing the horrific and tragic events in Ukraine unfold before our eyes. As a brand and individual sometimes it's hard to know how to react to such heartbreak and the truth is no matter what we do it isn't enough.
- Sweatucation
3 min read • 0 comments
What's The Deal With Flying & The Environment
Flying is often touted as one of the worst causes of global emissions, but in reality, it accounts for 2.5% of all global carbon emissions - electricity production, building infrastructure, agriculture and forestry all have much higher total emissions.
- Sweatucation
4 min read • 0 comments
Wake Up And Smell The Climate Crisis
This Earth Day, we're not actually launching anything. In fact, we're doing an anti-launch. Earth day is all about driving support and awareness for environmental protection... not driving sales.
- Sweatucation
3 min read • 0 comments
Exploring Digital Sustainability
Digital sustainability is the same as many other types of sustainability discussions. It looks at how we can make our digital footprint as sustainable as possible, both on a worldwide scale and on an individual level
- Sweatucation
5 min read • 0 comments