How to Make Your Own Deodorant at Home <br> (and Feel Like an Independent Eco-Warrior!) - Fussy

How to Make Your Own Deodorant at Home
(and Feel Like an Independent Eco-Warrior!)

As we know, there are many benefits to switching to a natural deodorant. It’s better for your pits and, thanks to Fussy, it can be better for the planet too. However, if you’re looking to cut down your consumption and level up your eco-warrior credentials, a homemade deodorant might be the path for you.

Making your own home-made deodorant is fun, zero-waste, and you can make it right in your kitchen. That’s how we started, just a group of pals looking to change the deodorant industry for good. So who knows where a little bit of deodorant DIY could take you.

Why make your own natural deodorant?

Sure, it takes a little more effort than just popping a lid and rolling it on, but there are so many benefits to making your own natural deodorant - and once you’ve started, you won’t look back.

Here are just 5 reasons why you should start making your own deodorant.

  • It’s zero waste
  • Deodorant is something that most of us use every day, now that’s a lot of plastic. This is one of the main reasons why we started Fussy. But, if you’re making your own deodorant you’re completely in control of the materials you use and reuse, making it the ultimate sustainable B.O. basher.

  • No nasties, guaranteed
  • Whether it’s a cake or a deodorant, if you’ve made it, you’ll know exactly what’s in the end result. Most deodorant recipes use similar ingredients, which are all pretty easy to find and are totally natural. Many of which you might already have sitting in your kitchen! The fun part really starters when you begin playing with scents and extra add-ins, making it unique to you and your body.

  • It’s easy
  • If you’re trying to reduce your plastic use and move towards a zero-waste lifestyle, homemade deodorant is a great first step. There are loads of recipes out there for making your own shampoo, moisturiser etc, but deodorant is by far the easiest DIY product to make. Well, not that easy. It took 18 months, 40 trials, and a nifty probiotic to get our Fussy formula perfect for your pits. 

  • It can be cheaper
  • Although antiperspirants aren’t the most expensive beauty item out there, natural deodorants often come with a premium price tag due to their ingredients or bespoke packaging. While many of us are happy to pay an extra quid for our health or the planet, this isn’t accessible for everyone. 

    As is the way with most things, DIY is a savvy way to save money. The ingredients for natural deodorant are easy to find and if you’re planning to make it more than once, you’ll get some great deals for buying ingredients in bulk (which will also cut down on packaging, woohoo!)

  • It’s fun! 
  • In today’s hectic world of WFM and scheduled supermarket trips, taking some time out in the evening or on the weekend to make your own deodorant is a great way to relax. Rather than sitting in front of the TV, learning something new and getting creative with your hands can be fun and stimulating for the mind. Rather than something else to add to your to-do list, think of it as a moment for you to reset your brain and indulge in some me-time.

    Make your own natural deodorant recipe 

    • Glass bowl
    • Saucepan
    • Deodorant container (this is a great opportunity to reuse an empty Fussy refill!) 
    • 2-3 tbsps unrefined coconut oil
    • 2-3 tbsps unrefined shea butter
    • 30g arrowroot powder (You’ll find this in your local health shop, alternatively, you can use corn starch)
    • 1.5 tbsp baking soda
    • 12 drops of essential oil (choose your favourite scent or you can use a mixture - half-and-half of grapefruit and lavender is delightful)
    • 1 drop tea tree oil (optional)

    How to do it

    1. If solid, place the coconut oil and shea butter into a glass bowl. Place the glass bowl into a saucepan.
    2. Add water to the saucepan so that it reaches about a third of the way up the side of the bowl. 
    3. Bring the water to a boil and gently stir the mixture until it melts and is fully combined.
    4. Take the bowl out of the saucepan and add the arrowroot starch (or cornstarch, if using), baking soda, and essential oils (including tea tree oil, if using). Stir until evenly combined.
    5. Pour the mixture into your chosen container and leave to cool in the fridge until set.

    How to use it (in case you need reminding…)

    The final step is using your eco-friendly creation, so here’s a little refresher (pun intended). 

    1. Make sure your underarms are slightly wet first. As with most self-care, a little lubrication can go a long way. 
    2. Simply take a pea-sized amount of your new homemade deodorant and give your pits some love by gently rubbing it in. This is a great opportunity to give yourself a little massage. Yes, pit massages are a thing. And if they’re not already, we’re making them one.

    N.B. Remember to keep your deodorant somewhere cool to prevent it from melting and cover it with a lid.

    DIY deodorant without the fuss

    There you have it: a natural deodorant that’s pretty much waste-free AND it actually works. It couldn’t be simpler than that. 

    Well, it could actually. If you want to show your pits and the planet some love but you’re not quite ready to go full eco-warrior yet, Fussy’s natural deodorant has got you covered. 

    Join the refill revolution and feel almost as badass as your mate who makes their own natural deodorant.

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