Introducing Fussy Green Week

Introducing Fussy Green Week

As November draws to a close, it’s the time of year every retailer and consumer has been waiting for - Black Friday, a week that’s come to hold more and more sales significance for retailers around the world. In the UK alone, total retail spending during the Black Friday period equalled 8.6 billion pounds - that’s a lot of penny power!

Why We're Turning Black Friday Green

As mass consumerism continues to grow year on year, so does the negative impact on the planet and people. Overconsumption of single-use plastics, overflowing landfills and fast fashion just to name a few of the consequences.

This all reaches its peak around the festive season, with unwanted gifts totalling £42 million each year, as people make rash purchasing decisions around Black Friday and Christmas. It may be lucrative for retailers but it’s harmful to the planet.

Does this mean we shouldn't engage in Black Friday? Or should we join in and change the agenda by offering sustainable alternatives to wasteful products and building a culture of conscious consumerism.

This is the thinking behind Green Week.

Fussy Green Week, What's It All About?

The short answer? For the next seven days, we’re giving you 20% off across our website. No discount code or special email link necessary - just 20% off any order placed between 22-28th November.

So what makes this special and different from every other sale sign you’ll see this week? Well, every time someone buys a Fussy deodorant, they’re saving over 250 single-use plastic deodorants from ending up in our landfills and oceans and reducing their carbon footprint by 81% when compared to using a single-use plastic deodorant. That’s because our cases are made to last for life, so all you need to buy is our compostable refills. Less plastic = better for the planet

So if you’re giving the gift of a Fussy deodorant this Christmas, you’re also giving the gift of sustainability - but this is only the beginning...

New Scent Made With Unwanted Christmas Trees

The UK buys over 6 million Christmas trees every year. But have you ever wondered what happens to the trees that nobody wants  Those on a wonk. The wrong shade of green. Missing a branch or two.

Well, wonder no more because we’re saving those trees from a miserable Christmas and turned them into deodorant. Yes that’s right - deodorant. Now you can smell like a Christmas tree. 

Fussy Green Card

But that’s not all we’re doing this Black Friday week (or Green Week as we like to call it!) We want to make it as easy and affordable for you as possible to make those sustainable swaps, whether it’s for yourself or gifting a loved one. That’s why we’re launching the Fussy Green Card for our refill subscribers. 

By shopping with Fussy, you can now get discounts on tons of other sustainably-minded brands - let’s quickly run through them:

Heights - All the vitamins your brain needs, in an innovative smart capsule, made by scientists - targets everything from poor sleep, to brain fog to stress.

Ocean Bottle - Award-winning bottles designed to keep cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot. 100% dishwasher safe and stylish to boot.

Dame - The world’s first climate-positive period brand, with reusable tampon applicators, period pads and toxin-free, organic tampons

Hanx  - The sexual wellness brand with a difference, founded by women and backed by gynaecologists.

Mamamade - Homemade quality baby food, created by expert nutritionists and chefs to suit your baby’s stage of development, all frozen for the ultimate ease of use. 

Pact - The coffee brand on a mission to fix the industry, with better pay for coffee farmers and better quality brews for all.

Ninety Percent - Everyday clothing essentials all made from sustainably sourced materials. Ninety Percent design clothes for the world we want to see.

Tooth - The last toothbrush you’ll ever need. Designing beautiful and environmentally friendly oral care is what they do.

We’ll be continuing to add brands over the next few months, making shopping sustainably so much easier for you! 

Working With ClimatePartner

And that's still not all! As a consumer brand, we know that even creating a sustainable, alternative product can have a negative impact on the environment, and we wanted to make sure we gave back. That's why every Fussy deodorant is independently certified as carbon neutral in partnership with ClimatePartner, a company committed to globally improving the living conditions of people, animals and our biosphere by taking ambitious climate action. 

Carbon neutrality means that the carbon footprint of a company, product, service or event has been calculated on the basis of internationally recognised standards and fully offset by supporting international climate action projects.

ClimatePartner's label "carbon neutral" certifies that unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions have been offset. This means for every bit of Co2 we produce at Fussy through our manufacturing or other activity ClimatePartner help us make equivalent reductions of Co2 in the atmosphere. 

At Fussy, this equivalent reduction is done through supporting Hydropower Technology in Renun, Indonesia. Hydropower is created without burning Fossil Fuels and is therefore emission-free. The project in Indonesia is helping the country go from 6% renewable energy in 2015 to 23% in 2025. You can learn more about this project by watching this video

All this to say, for every Fussy deodorant you buy, the money you’re spending helps to support green energy projects around the world.

Join Us In Turning Black Friday Green

So yes, Black Friday week can seem scary. So we’re making it easier to make the sustainable choice. It’s the little changes we can all make in our shopping behaviour that will add up to a big difference for the planet. So help us turn Black Friday Green, and shop all our Fussy products with 20% off now

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