Wake Up And Smell The Climate Crisis

Wake Up And Smell The Climate Crisis

This Earth Day, we're not actually launching anything. In fact, we're doing an anti-launch. Earth day is all about driving support and awareness for environmental protection... not driving sales. We at Fussy wanted to stay true to that. So we’ve designed three ‘mock’ deodorants scents from Toasted Forest to Tsunami Mist and Dusty Drought to help raise awareness for some of the biggest issues facing our planet today. They are by far our worst scents yet.... but the truth stinks. Now more than ever before, it’s time to wake up and smell the climate crisis!

What Is Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event that takes place on the 22nd of April to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first held on April 22, 1970, and spurred the US to create its Environmental Protection Agency, and pass several pieces of landmark legislation to curb pollution. Nowadays, the ties to political action and awareness have become slightly lost, with many people saying brands now see it as a marketing opportunity. 

Our Mock Scents



Tsunami Mist

Stagnant Floodwater & Wood Rot

The world’s ocean levels are rising by 3.6mm a year. 150 million people are living on land that could be underwater or being regularly flooded by 2050.




Dusty Drought

Tumbleweed & Withered Acacia

Global surface temperatures have risen by 0.2°c per decade in the last 30 years, leading to increased drought in many areas. This means that essential crops cannot be grown. 




Toasted Forest

Charcoal & Acrid Kiwi

The global rise in temperatures leads to increased forest fires around the world, destroying natural habitats for many species. Fewer trees also means less carbon is being absorbed, creating further increased temperatures.


What Can You Do?

You may be asking how you can help this Earth Day? Well, simply by refilling rather than throwing away, you can help save the planet from over 250 single-use plastic deodorants. Every Fussy deodorant is also certified carbon neutral in partnership with Climate Partner, and any carbon we can’t eliminate from our supply chain is offset by supporting green energy projects around the world. Fussy provides an 81% reduction in carbon emissions when compared to an ordinary single-use plastic deodorant. We’re also BCorp Pending, which means we put people and the planet at the heart of everything we do and truly believe in using business as a force of good.

That’s power to your pits, and the planet. 

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